Flying High or Full of Fear After You Got the All Clear?

Flying high or full of fear seems to be the two places most women go to after their last appointment with their doctor.  You get the  A-Ok and the go get'em and then you walk to the car totally elated and maybe a little disbelief.  And scared. Don't be surprised as this phase of recovery can be really tough for so many reasons. 

Here are a few that I so often hear from my clients...

  • People think that because you are done with treatments you should be back to normal.

  • There can be a feeling of being "cut loose" as you have been constantly monitored and now nada ala wait for your six-month check-up. Scanxiety anyone?

  • Life after breast cancer treatments is a lot to deal with. The lingering side effects, like pain and tightness, lymphedema, anxiety, and feeling dumped and all alone wasn't in the brochures.

What's a Beloved to do? 

  1. Take your time. Really! Take allll the time you need to heal. Let your loved ones know what you need and how you're feeling. Do you need space to process and not fake smiles and hoorahs? Do you need help around the house? Maybe you need some one-on-one with your bestie or your Boo... Maaaaybe you need a big giant party ala Zoom and celebrate your victory and all the things that make you... you:-) One version is not better than another. Let it be up to you and how you're feeling right now. And

  2. Find a support group that can connect you with other women who are in the same stage as you. Join a Facebook group (ours is Reclaim Your Body After Breast Cancer) and introduce yourself and meet your new breastie.

  3. All hands on deck! Get in a regular routine of doing your Beloved Scar Release. (FREE Beloved Guide to Scar Release Here)

This is key to getting out of pain and decreasing tightness. Be sure to hold those spots for at least 2 - 5 minutes.  This can be hard at first and that's ok. If that's the case then start with your hands on your chest. Hold them there for your two to five minutes and you can ease your way to working on your scars and areas of tightness. The FREE Beloved Guide to Scar Release gives you all the specs on the where, how, and why. 

So Ta- Ta Tuesday to you! I'm in the midst of the third week of my online course From Breast Cancer to Beloved Bust. We are having a grand time as we get to more techniques this week.  From Breast Cancer to Beloved Bust...I am reminded of the honor of working with you. Say hi next time you're on Facebook and let me know how you're doing!  

Be sure to forward this to your favorite breasty and join the movement to reclaim your body after breast cancer.  

All the Best,


Melissa RussellComment