Recovering from Breast Cancer in the Spring

I don't mind the rain really. In fact I kind of like it. Spring rain anyway. The sound of the raindrops landing on the roof of the house. The temperature is great for walks or sitting on the two-season porch on the windows where I can see the bulbs poking through the dirt in my flower beds. I don't remember what I planted. Tulips of some sort, a few lilies I think. Oh and daffodils. I see one over there under the tree, yellow and everything, saying hi.

Last Fall, I sure didn't feel good. I got Covid back in March of 2020 and now a year later, I'm what they call a long-hauler with lingering symptoms: the worst ones for me being shortness of breath, fatigue, and this heart thing that just feels like chest pressure all of the time. I'm ok and my doctor is on it but it sure hasn't been rosy. I'm sure you can relate. And yet, during that time of thinking, "... Will this ever get better?" I not only did something I enjoy (gardening) but I gave my future self a gift. Hope, beauty, and something that gives me such joy! Tulips of all colors are pushing through the soil and fall leaves and saying hello; beckoning me to go outside and sit. To sit and heal. This makes me feel so springy and I notice that in those moments I take deep and easy breaths. My efforts in the past are taking care of the "me" now. What can you do today that is a gift to your future self?

One of the most common thoughts women have after having breast cancer is, "What if it comes back?" or really the brain says, "OMG, the cancer is back!"

Let's add some Spring to that beauty of a thought...What did your doctor say? Was your last scan the "All Clear"? If you are truly concerned you get to call your doc and have them check you out:-) And then when your brain comes up with that beauty of a thought you can remind yourself of the All Clear. Maybe even put a note on your mirror and when you brush your teeth you can see your sign. All Clear. Decorate that note, elaborate, and say exactly what you need to hear to soften that fear. Take care of that future self!

Another beauty that can show up is when you start adding activity back into your world. You know taking a walk can make you feel better both mentally and physically but what if it makes it worse? What if this cranks up my lymphedema or the shoulder pain that pulls down my arm?

Again check with your health team. Thumbs up for activity? Can you get a script to see your Physical Therapist? If those are all clear then by all means add that walk. Hang out with me on the mat and let's start to remind the body that it's ok to move and go easy. Sometimes you might not be sure as to what started the flare-up so keep a body journal. Note where you have pain and your activities, sleep, mood, and you can sometimes catch a pattern and adjust. Your current self writing in that journal is taking care of your future self. Reconnecting with your body and getting back into the "me" zone.

As you know, there are so many other areas of your daily life that can be affected by having had breast cancer. Tiny movements can help create BIG change!

What about the weight gain? 

What if you looked in your closet and loved what you got to pick from? Get a new pair of pants that you love in a size that fits your new hinder! Trade with a girlfriend or check out your favorite pants in a bigger size. It doesn't have to be forever but why add to the stress of wearing stuff that doesn't make you feel your best self.

I miss my old self before I had cancer...

Can you do a little bit of that? Plant just a few flowers in a pot instead of the garden, have someone do all the prep for dinner and you do your favorite meal. (And pass off the cleanup if you can:-)

Don't like the way your scars look and feel? 

Do your Beloved Scar Release and soften those scars and reconnect with your body. (FREE Guide Here) 


I hope you all are enjoying your spring! I'll see you in the Facebook Group!

Your Breast Cancer Rehab Coach and Consultant,        


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