Reclaim Your Body From Pain and Tightness After Breast Cancer

Three Ways in Three Days to Reclaim Your Body from Pain and Tightness

Today's blog starts with the first essential -

Know your Body

It's one thing to be in pain all the time and not be able to reach for your favorite sweater without that zing but another to have the insights and understanding of what's behind that pain and tightness. After all, pain is the body asking for attention. a.k.a. Interrupt the pain cycle and get to healing!

I always talk to my clients about the pain cycle. It's hard to believe that your body is not just out to get you or just gonna be like this now with all your cancer treatments and surgeries but, I'll say it again, pain is just the body asking for attention. You might wonder what the heck does that mean but don't worry! That's what I do! I help women reclaim their bodies after breast cancer!

So - Here's the pain cycle...

If you move a certain way and it hurts, your body shuts down that movement...your body tightens. Now your body is tight...Ahhh so now it hurts because it's tight. And it's going to tighten because it hurts. Yep. Your body does not feel safe and is trying to protect you. All that primal programming for survival and such. So what's a lady to do with the pain cycle? Help your body feel safe! HOW?




  1. TAKE A BATH - Add some candles or some lavender essential oil

  2. ZOOM WITH YOUR FAVORITE PERSON - Have lunch together or a glass of wine with your bestie!

  3. JOIN A COMMUNITY WITH OTHER BREASTIES- Check out our Facebook Group - Reclaim Your Body After Breast Cancer

  4. TAKE A WALK IN NATURE - Hug a tree

  5. WRITE IN YOUR JOURNAL - Light a candle and get to know yourself again

  6. LIE IN BED ALL DAY FOR FUN - Get the kid duty covered and lounge like the queen you are

  7. GET SOME BODYWORK - Get a massage or trade foot rubs with your favorite person

That's why in my online classes and in my clinic we never force the body we find the edge and wait allowing the body to soften AND feel safe. It's not just simply tight scars and radiated tissue. We're workin with the nervous system y'all!

Breathe and feel and let yourself recover. You have been through so much and who knew recovery was gonna be so tough? So, let yourself have a moment to feel safe and start to remember how to feel not just healthy but good.

Be sure to look for my next blog for the second essential for helping you reclaim your body from pain and tightness. I'll give you a hint...All Hands on Deck!

Melissa RussellComment